Tuesday, January 24, 2006


This morning I woke early to do the 3 mile tape..... It must not have been meant to happen! I went down stairs half awake, popped in the DVD... Then realized I forgot to get my hubby's lunch out and ready... I figured I would leave the DVD running.. Hurry up stairs and pack his lunch while they were doing the warm ups.... So here I was 5:15 in the morning packing his lunch doing my warm ups in the kitchen... My ab belt around me doing side lunges. I know that if left to him to make his lunch, the points I have him on would be a thing of the past! Bolting around "keeping my heart rate up" I jog back downstairs.
You know, I never really looked at myself in the morning, but happen to today........ BIG mistake!! No wonder Sim looks like he is sneaking out the door every morning when I bolt up the stairs after hearing the tale-tale creak of him walking across the kitchen floor. Poor guy has to see some panting, wild hair barely tamed in a crooked scrunchie, makeup smeared, sweaty woman, with morning breath popping out of the basement door just when he is opening the garage door. I happen to notice the raised eyebrow and look of initial fear upon first seeing me. I am sure "What the heck is that?" is the first thing that comes to his mind, then "Ahh that's just my wife" Poor guy. And here I thought every morning he stared at me cause he cant keep his eyes off me....Hmmm then again would you take your eyes off a half wild looking animal? After kissing the startled husband I ran back downstairs still keeping my heart rate up. I lunge, stretch, kick back, gasp and so on. Then I realize.... I don't have my watch.... I HAVE to be in the shower by 6:30. So UP again I go doing the "fast walk" with exaggerated movements for more effect. Thru the house I am lunging here, kicking back here, stretching arms over the head there...Grab my watch and realize I have 10 minutes left. I jog back down again....Has my jogging outfit always been floods? I wonder watching my leg kick up. Hmmm..........
23 days!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dedication is inspiring. And positively hilarious today! Congratulations on that 10 pounds - WOW!! I'm pullin' for ya!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006  
Blogger Corina Bowen said...

Thanks!! Life is just how you look at it! I see it a whole lot lighter hopefully in the future!! hehe.. tonight is weigh-in.... :-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006  
Blogger MrsDawsondn said...

you are definitely working the program and yes I know what you mean about that "morning look" lol I take it to the gym with me at 5:30am and I'm sure I get a couple of stares here and there shoot i workout in my satin scarf lol

Thursday, February 02, 2006  

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