Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine weigh in~Sim, snows them over again

Yesterday I did my weekly weigh in... I am on week 6 of ww BUT (big butt-- hehe)Week 7 of my "Chubby Gal getting Fit"-- I was tickled that I lost another 3lbs!! woooooohoo
~~~~Begin/ Week 2/ Week 3/ Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 7
weight: 179 ~ 172 ~ 168.5 ~ 169.5 ~165 ~162 ~ 159
bust: 41 ~ 40 1/2 ~ 40 ~40 ~39 ~37.5 ~ 37
waist: 36 ~ 34 ~ 33 1/2 ~34~34 ~32~ 31
Gut: 43 ~ 42 ~ 40 ~40~38.5 ~38.5~38.5
Hips: 45 ~ 44 ~ 44 ~43~42 ~42~41
Rt leg: 27 ~ 26 ~ 25 1/2 ~25.5~25.5 ~25~25
Lt leg: 26 ~ 26 ~ 25 1/ 2 ~25.5~25 ~25 ~25
Rt arm: 12 ~ 12 ~ 12 ~11~10.5 ~10.5~ 10.5
Lt arm: 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 ~11~11 ~10.5~10.5

I have lost 20lbs and 24.5 inches!!
Last night we didn't stay for the meeting... Just weighed in.. Sim lost 5 lbs!! He has lost 21.5 just from ww! During weigh in (which I was there to be his body guard), his "ladies" were up to their normal stuff.. Giggling, doing the "oh, that is awesome" with his weight loss.. And nodded at me and mine... :-( Anyway.. I cringed when he announced that we would not be staying.. He patted his not so big belly and said.. "We're gonna go eat a steak, potato and stuff our selves." I could feel the condemning stares beating into my back. The "skinny chick weigh in gal" stopped writing mid word... And said "If you put your 5 pounds back on don't be surprised!" I chuckled which got me a "Oh, you think that's funny huh chubby girl" look from skinny chick. I felt like I remember feeling when my grandma caught me about ready to do something not allowed. I just grinned, like I did then. I didn't stick out my tongue when she turned around... So I guess I have grown up some since I was 10.
OH, and the BEST- or worst part was that funny boy couldn't stop there... He did the ultimate NO-NO!! As I said good bye to the "nicer skinny chick", someone stated that he looked like he was losing a lot a weight.. He said (cringe)"Not bad for a fat guy."--- HE USED THE FAT WORD!! If you never noticed.. I never use the 3 letter word!! It has that effect on women that brings out claws!! I wanted to hide under the ww snack bar tables, but feared the weight of those rocks they call snacks if it should collapse. I gasped and looked at all the women who NOT 3 week's ago spoke with fire about the F@T word! And waited for the freak out..... instead they giggled and reassured him that he wouldn’t be able to say that for long.... I stood and stared at these ladies with my mouth hanging open. If that would have be ME saying the 3 letter word I would have been beat up in the parking lot! But since it was Sim... I guess that was ok. Funny no one asked me why I wasn’t staying for the meeting... now that I think about it, no one noticed I was there..... Feeling like Jan Brady here.... “Everything’s Marsha, Marsha, Marsha”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sim must feel like such the rock star at those meetings! I hope you did have a steak - and enjoyed it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006  

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