Friday, March 17, 2006


Im back!! Woooooooo buddy– did I ever so blow the ww diet this past weekend! I went to Sim’s momma’s house and boy can she cook! I didn’t exercise a lick- well except once– a two mile walk with a hill that was the size of Mt. Rushmore! At first Sim and I thought.. "Oh, big hill." and was sure we being the "super exercise Kings and Queens of Ohio" could handle this little Georgia hill........ RIGHT! About 20 steps into it .... it became a competition.... With sweaty (not allowed to say it) chic on the left and Chubby Bubby on the right....CB slowed down his power walk(with his long legs it’s a jog for me to keep up!) Only because he slowed first, I allowed my screaming calves to slow down too. The talking came to a halt as both competitors gasped (discreetly) for breath. Sure that the other did not hear the wheezing. Looking over, *C noticed that CB was a litttttle red, but trying to keep a "Hey this is nothing" expression on his face, glancing over to *C. *C not to be beat in anything, even with expression, grinned. Tasted sweat... and almost gagged, but grinned. CB grinned back, not to be out done. With eyes squinted *C looked back to the target goal.. The top of the offending mountain that loomed miles up (ok maybe 10 or 12 feet).. With legs pumping,(well it felt like it.. But was probably more of a drag by then) breathing attempting to be controlled, both racers topped the mountain in victory. The plateau was wonderful.. Flat and shaded..... the sweet victory of not passing out in front of the other competitor brought a puffed up proud moment.........The rest of the walk was pretty much flat thankfully, because *C thighs and calves felt like someone was ripping them out... I was excited about the walk back... seeing how going down would be easier... Right?— Wrong... unfortunately, that steep hill walking down it meant that it just hit different muscle, along with "Gracie" here trying not to roll down it! You would be proud to know I only tripped once while gone, Oh wait, I tripped when boarding the plane too... so twice.. Still its better than my normal record.
I missed weigh in.... wonder if they missed me..... noticed I wasn’t there..... :-( I am sure they noticed Sim wasn’t.. Anyway.. My scale said 157 this morning! Yikes gained 4 pounds! I will have to behave for the next week for next weigh in! So much for my life of pecan pies, and ice cream! :-( Was wonderful while it lasted!
You’ll have to check out my other blog— talked about a "Faith moment!"


Blogger Heather Smith said...

I'm glad you're back! I've missed your posts!!

Friday, March 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea for the mountain climber! and i am SOOO glad you're back!

Friday, March 17, 2006  
Blogger MrsDawsondn said...

sounds like a great battle getting up that hill hey atleast you made it!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006  

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