Tuesday, March 07, 2006

God saves me again

This morning was wonderful!! Sim awoke me with "Do you want to get up to workout?" and my big fat answer was NOPE I am sleeping in! So he woke me up before he left... I jumped in the shower, happy as can be.. 3 nights of sleeping on a floor with a colicy baby does that for ya. I went back into my room, looked at the clock and was blessed again! I forgot that Sim had to leave early, so it was almost a hour before I normally start to get ready! Now, normally I would done had a fit, but I am trying to look at things through "gifts from God" eyes.. so I dove back into bed, wet head and all and reset my alarm! 40 minutes later I grinned (Yeah mom~~ I actually grinned before noon!)and finished getting ready. I left a little late.. just few minutes due to the major ice on my windshield.. Dropped Amelia off at work.. was late leaving there due to having to help her unload. By the time I pulled away.. I was 10 minutes behind. Now, see I have everything timed out.. if I hit the edge of Springfield by a certain time, then I will JUST make it to work in time. The problem was.. It WAS that time.. and I was downtown!.. Hit every red light.. school zone... followed behind a pooky work truck... So instead of freaking out.. I prayed. "OK, God, you are gonna have to stop time again for me!" I remember somewhere in the bible where He stopped the sun for a long period of time. But I also remember where He said that He wouldn't do it again. Well this morning I prayed that He wouldn't stop it.. but slow it down for me. He did. With time to spare! God sure does love me.
I think we need to all remember that.
~~~ Tonight is weigh in........... yikes! I have ate out 3 times this week! I ate salad bar stuff twice, and Chinese (semi good)....... I got on my scale this morning and weighed 153 but I am sure their scale will say something different:-(
You know.... I must have a strange way of thinking... because I just heard in my head again the song... "Love lifted me"... :-) and every time in Church whenever I hear that I always have to giggle, thinking "woo for some of us that's a strong love" It is probably a good thing people have no idea what is going on in my head! hehe


Blogger Heather Smith said...

I will never be able to listen to that song in the same way again! LOL! Its nice to hear that some other churches out there still sing hymns!!! We sing hymns and praise songs at church, but I just love the hymns! It seems to me that the times that I run late for some unapparent reason that I pass a wreck or something on the highway. I take being behind as God's protection of me!! Have a good one, Corina, and thanks for making me smile!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, you DO know that really the only time to weigh is in the morning, before you get in the shower, after you pee, and you're totally naked? And before you eat or drink anything, right? This AT NIGHT weigh in, in clothes, after having eaten stuff - in front of people - it's wrong. wrong i tell you.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Carol said...

I hate the feeling of being late to anything. I don't know how chronically late people stand it! I was trying to make the red lights turn green for you while fussing at you for not leaving the house earlier. Now I'm exhausted!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006  

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